Nicholas Teo: Interview

Since winning Astro’s Talent Quest in 2002, Nicholas Teo has made a splash on the international circuit, starring in TV shows in Taiwan and playing to packed crowds in Singapore and China.

Nicholas Teo (Photo courtesy of Alba)

In June, he released his fourth studio album, The Moment of Silence, and has been busy touring and promoting it around Asia. We caught up with Nicholas in KL where he spoke to us candidly about his music, fans and Edison Chen. 

Tell us about your new album, The Moment of Silence.

It’s been a year and 9 months since I recorded a full album so we used that time to collect songs and we constantly improve on the lyrics, melodies and even the arrangement. I think this album is most close to me. It’s different in that it’s more matured, even in the way I sing…I felt this is the album where wanted to change my style. I’m not saying I wanted something completely different… I’m not singing R&B and hip hop or anything! But the mood I’m creating and the stories I’m telling and the voice I’m projecting, is a little bit more matured than what I’ve done before.

What has the response been like?

I recorded it in Singapore but I’ve been promoting it in mainly here, Taiwan, Hong Kong, China and more surprisingly even in Indonesia. I have started to have a fan base there because of my appearance in the Taiwanese dramas which has been showing on Indonesian TV. I was quite surprised when they asked me to do a concert there but that is the power of Taiwan dramas, it reaches all over the world!

Did you work with anyone new on this album?

I worked with new people and people I’ve worked with before whom I feel comfortable with. You take a chance when collaborating with people, sometimes it turns out different but good and sometimes there is no change. There were some new music arrangements that I found quite surprising but it suited me.

Are there any artists you would like to collaborate with?

We did do a duet with Amber, the Taiwanese singer but generally I never think about who I would like to work with or who I’d like to act with because I like to think I’m quite fresh in this industry and there is a lot of opportunity and surprises out there that I want to experience. I admire a lot of people of course, like Eason Chan and even Faye Wong but this is just admiration. I don’t even think about working with them because they’re so ‘up there’ but if I do get the chance I would be so happy!

Have you met any of your idols?

I’ve met many of them actually. Like Eason, I’ve met him a lot of times, we’ve chatted and I even gave him my album. Because I’m in this industry, I try to calm myself down (when I meet someone I admire), I try not to go crazy because I know as an artist, if I run into my fans, I would want people to just be polite and for them to not suddenly think I am a close friend .I would think the artists I meet would expect the same. Even though I know who he is and he knows who I am, we are still strangers. When I meet them I would just have a short chat but I won’t be like, ‘Aah! Give me your number! Let’s go out and eat.’

Has a fan done something like that to you?

They’re usually polite and reasonable. If they do something that I don’t feel comfortable with I would tell them but so far so good. The one thing I don’t feel comfortable with is that they sometimes spend too much on presents. Like giving me luxury bags and spending a lot of money. I would always tell them to take it back because I just don’t feel comfortable accepting something like that.

Do you have a crush on any local female celebs?

I currently don’t have any crushes but I will always love Carmen Soo. She’s a lovely girl and we’re quite close. We did a movie together and we always keep in touch. She will always be no.1 in my Malaysian celebrity list!

How do you describe your sense of style, do you have a stylist?

I only normally work with stylists when I have a photo shoot and we have people to shop for you if you don’t have time.

Do you think you would want to open your own store like Edison Chen recently did?

After I got into this industry I think I learnt more about fashion brands and after all these years I think I’ve learnt enough about fashion but as for my own store, probably not yet. I haven’t checked out Edison’s store yet although I know he opened one in Malaysia.

Speaking of Edison, what are your thoughts on the sex scandal he was involved in?

I think it’s really none of my business but in terms of his career we just need to watch how he does now. Before and after the scandal, his name is still big and everybody knows who Edison is…be it in a good way or bad. The name Edison is still huge and he can use it to do a lot of things (like fashion). For me…what he did was not like…killing someone. It was a very personal thing but it just became public…so I make no judgement.

How do you rate your fame in Malaysia as opposed to your fame outside of Malaysia?

For the Malaysian Chinese market, I am quite special because for most artists who want to be successful in this market, they will try to seek it outside of Malaysia first. Normally they’ll start in Taiwan and then when they get big they’ll come back to Malaysia.

For me, I came from ATQ (Astro Talent Quest) and I spent two years here working before I went to China and Taiwan. Malaysia for me is always my home base and I put a lot of effort into the market here. I feel my fans here grew up with me. Outside my fans have known me for 3 years but my fans here have been with me for 5.

As for outside Malaysia, that’s where I did a lot of drama and that takes you a long way but I wouldn’t be able to tell you which country I’m doing better in.

What music have you been playing a lot of lately?

My hobby is going to record stores and buying albums even if it’s just for the artwork. I mostly listen to Chinese and international artists, rather than Korean and Japanese but at the moment, I’m into anything from Katy Perry and Jason Mraz to Lady Gaga and Prodigy.


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